In Jack Reacher, Lee Child created one of the most unique and interesting male characters in commercial fiction today. Army brat, West Point grad, and decorated military veteran, Reacher never lived in one place more than a year in childhood or work career.
When he leaves the Army - as a matter of honor, of course - he begins a new life as a drifter - traveling by bus or as a hitchhiker with the clothes on his back, a toothbrush, and an ATM card. He always finds trouble - and he is always ready to fight for the underdog.
Reacher hit the big screen in 2013 with Tom Cruise in lead role, which created a storm of controversy with fans of the 6' 5" literary character.
As of this writing Child has created 18 full novels ... the series might finally be losing steam (at least for me), but Child has pulled off no small feat.
Reprinted from my Pinterest board, Spies, Detectives, Hit Men, and Vigilantes.
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